Tuition fees | UCLL

Below you will find the 24-25 tuition fee rates. 

The total annual tuition fee consists of:
a fixed component or basic tuition fee per academic year
a variable component which is the amount of credits you enrol for x cost per credit per academic year.

Tuition fees do not include any other expenses, such as course material and textbooks, fees for activities, or other study-related material.


2024-2025 annual tuition fees

Bachelor’s programmes (English)

Total amount

Fixed component

Variable component

Non-EEA students based on a study visa

€ 5,800.00

€ 1,300.00

€ 75.00 per credit

all other students
(exception scholarship and refugee students, see below)

€ 1,116.00

€ 288.00

€ 13.80 per credit

Nearly-scholarship students (Flemish students only)

€ 588.00

€ 288.00

€ 5.00 per credit

Flemish scholarship students, recognised Belgian refugees
and residents with Belgian temporary protection or subsidiary protection status

€ 131.50

€ 131.50

€ 0 per credit

Total amount

Non-EEA students based on a study visa

€ 5,800.00

all other students
(exception scholarship and refugee students, see below)

€ 1,116.00

Nearly-scholarship students (Flemish students only)

€ 588.00

Flemish scholarship students, recognised Belgian refugees
and residents with Belgian temporary protection or subsidiary protection status

€ 131.50

Fixed component

Non-EEA students based on a study visa

€ 1,300.00

all other students
(exception scholarship and refugee students, see below)

€ 288.00

Nearly-scholarship students (Flemish students only)

€ 288.00

Flemish scholarship students, recognised Belgian refugees
and residents with Belgian temporary protection or subsidiary protection status

€ 131.50

Variable component

Non-EEA students based on a study visa

€ 75.00 per credit

all other students
(exception scholarship and refugee students, see below)

€ 13.80 per credit

Nearly-scholarship students (Flemish students only)

€ 5.00 per credit

Flemish scholarship students, recognised Belgian refugees
and residents with Belgian temporary protection or subsidiary protection status

€ 0 per credit


Continuing education programmes (English)

Total amount

Fixed component

Variable component

Advanced Bachelor in Global Citizenship and Development

€ 1,116.00

€ 288.00

€ 13.80 per credit

Advanced Bachelor in Advanced Business Management

€ 1,950.00

€ 450.00


€ 25.00 per credit


Postgraduate Certificate International Educating Class
(now one-year programme, formerly  International Educating Class - Fall Programme + Spring programme)

€ 4,500.00 (NEW)

€ 480.00

€ 67.00 per credit

Postgraduate Certificate ERP (SAP) Functional Consultant ONLINE
(may be subject to change)

€ 2,650.00

€ 650.00

€ 50.00 per credit

Postgraduate Certificate ERP (SAP) Technical Consultant ONLINE
(may be subject to change)

€ 2,650.00

€ 650.00

€ 50.00 per credit

Total amount

Advanced Bachelor in Global Citizenship and Development

€ 1,116.00

Advanced Bachelor in Advanced Business Management

€ 1,950.00

Postgraduate Certificate International Educating Class
(now one-year programme, formerly  International Educating Class - Fall Programme + Spring programme)

€ 4,500.00 (NEW)

Postgraduate Certificate ERP (SAP) Functional Consultant ONLINE
(may be subject to change)

€ 2,650.00

Postgraduate Certificate ERP (SAP) Technical Consultant ONLINE
(may be subject to change)

€ 2,650.00

Fixed component

Advanced Bachelor in Global Citizenship and Development

€ 288.00

Advanced Bachelor in Advanced Business Management

€ 450.00


Postgraduate Certificate International Educating Class
(now one-year programme, formerly  International Educating Class - Fall Programme + Spring programme)

€ 480.00

Postgraduate Certificate ERP (SAP) Functional Consultant ONLINE
(may be subject to change)

€ 650.00

Postgraduate Certificate ERP (SAP) Technical Consultant ONLINE
(may be subject to change)

€ 650.00

Variable component

Advanced Bachelor in Global Citizenship and Development

€ 13.80 per credit

Advanced Bachelor in Advanced Business Management

€ 25.00 per credit


Postgraduate Certificate International Educating Class
(now one-year programme, formerly  International Educating Class - Fall Programme + Spring programme)

€ 67.00 per credit

Postgraduate Certificate ERP (SAP) Functional Consultant ONLINE
(may be subject to change)

€ 50.00 per credit

Postgraduate Certificate ERP (SAP) Technical Consultant ONLINE
(may be subject to change)

€ 50.00 per credit

Examination contract: additional fee (domestic students only)

If a student registers under an examination contract, he/she will be charged an extra fee of € 50 for the use of our online learning platform Toledo and ICT facilities.

Advance tuition fee payment

Advance tuition fee payment applies if you are a non-EEA national requiring a student visa for Belgium AND applying for one of the following programmes:

  • Bachelor International Business Management, Marketing
  • Bachelor Applied Computer Science

If you are a non-EEA applicant and you are admitted to one of the above programmes, you must pay the full tuition fee before we issue an Admission Letter.

You will receive the payment instructions once you are admitted.

Billing and registration

Registration for an advanced bachelor’s programme or a postgraduate certificate programme will always be considered and calculated separately.

Any other student’s registrations for one or more study programmes and/or for one or more course units based on a diploma contract and/or credit contract are treated as one registration and therefore all credits will be combined

In case of early deregistration, please be aware of the consequences with regard to (partial) reimbursement of your tuition fee and study voucher account.

Qualifying for financial help

In certain cases, students may qualify for financial help, if they experience a temporary and unforeseen financial setback, through no fault of their own. Please contact the Social Services KULeuven for additional information.