Alumni banaba advanced business management
Beste student, alumnus
Uiteraard willen we met jou in contact blijven en dat je deel blijft uitmaken van onze Banaba Advanced Business Management community!
Omwille van de Europese privacywetgeving (GDPR) is het daarom noodzakelijk dat je dit document invult. Op deze manier blijf je op de hoogte van inspirerende netwerkevents op maat van onze Banaba-alumni.
We hope you stay in touch!
Dear student, alumnus
Obviously we would like to stay in touch with you and we would like for you to be part of our Banaba Advanced Business Management community!
Because of the European privacy law (GDPR), we would like to ask you to fill in the document below. In that way we will keep you posted on inspiring network events.
We hope you stay in touch!