Poster - Groep 8 | UCLL

Over het project

Studententeam: Aube Degroot, Wannes Deroo, Pepijn Desloovere, Pieter-Jan Moens

Afstudeerrichting: milieutechnologie

Projectbegeleider: Laurent Jacoby

Titel poster: “Esterification of Chlorella Sorokiniana to biodiesel ”

Inhoud project:
This research investigates the feasibility of producing biodiesel from algae through extraction using a Soxhlet setup, with a specific focus on the cultivation and growth of Chlorella Sorokiniana. This algal species was selected due to its exceptionally fast growth, high lipid production, and resistance to poor growth conditions. Findings, results, and a control of the composition of the final product using IR spectrophotometry will be discussed in the report.